
If you help to look after a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who is frail or who has a health problem or a disability, you can ask for your own needs to be assessed.

Please call into the surgery and ask for a carers pack, which may be of help to you. Please do let us know if you are a carer by completing our online form.

This leaflet provides support and where you can get help in caring for someone. Similarly we have included some useful phone numbers on the website for you.

Derbyshire Carers Association newsletters

Please see below the latest Derbyshire Carers Association newsletters.

Evening support service for carers

Derbyshire Carers Association now have a Wednesday evening telephone support service in place for all Carers across Derby and Derbyshire.

The service is available from 4pm until 7pm and the contact number is 01773 743 355.

Are you an unpaid carer?

It is important that your GP surgery knows that you are a carer. We therefore encourage all carers making use of Universal Services to inform your GP surgery that you are an unpaid/informal carer. In order to help you register as a carer with your GP, please visit