As you will no doubt be aware, from the 19th of July the Government is ending all legal requirements to for social distancing, including the ‘1 meter plus’ rule and the requirement to wear masks inside public buildings. The Government however has reminded us that all citizens should behave responsibly.
As we are operating in a healthcare setting, inevitably the risk is higher is a GP Surgery, plus it’s very important that we maintain the health and wellbeing of our staff, as without staff we would not be able to offer a service. Therefore, from the 19th of July, Wilson Street Surgery will continue to require patients attending the building for any reason to continue to wear a mask, or a visor if exempt from wearing a mask. This position is the same across much of the NHS.
We continue to operate a telephone triage system whereby if your problem can be dealt with on the phone it will be. However we will be starting to offer directly bookable face-to-face appointments in the near future, assuming the situation with the pandemic does not take a turn for the worse.
Stay safe.
Wilson Street Surgery