Supply for COVID-19 tests is not currently meeting demand. There are things you can do to help. Only book a test if you or someone you care for has specific symptoms of COVID-19.
To book a test(s) please go to or phone 119·
Do not phone NHS 111, your GP surgery or visit your Emergency Department, as they have no access to tests.
Testing centres are not walk-in, you will need an appointment and cannot be tested without one. If you can’t get a test immediately or near to you keep trying the website address as more tests are added throughout the course of each day and you will often find that you can book a test quickly by trying again.
The aim is to get your test results within 48 hours. However, if you have been awaiting your results for longer than five days and want to ask when you should receive them please contact the Coronavirus testing helpline: 0300 303 2713.
There is currently a high level of demand for Coronavirus tests so to help the NHS to manage this demand it is important that people consider the advice before applying for a test and go to the right place for their needs.
Should I get tested?
Anyone showing any of the three key symptoms of coronavirus should be able to be tested. The symptoms are:
- a fever
- a new continuous cough
- a loss of smell or taste
Only book a test if you or someone you care for has specific symptoms of COVID-19.
Most people with coronavirus have at least one of these symptoms. The idea of testing is to find people with the virus and keep them isolated to avoid it being spread through the wider community.
Booking a test
To book a test(s) please go to or phone 119.
If someone in your household starts to have symptoms, then that person must get tested and the rest of the household should self-isolate with them whilst they wait for the results. If other members of the household don’t have symptoms, then they should not get a test, only people with symptoms should get tested. Full guidance on self-isolation is available on
If people are self-isolating or in quarantine, then a negative test result does not mean they can end isolation early. The virus can take time to develop and so a test early on does not prove that they won’t go on to develop the virus. That means people could still be at risk of spreading the disease to other people.
Experiencing an inconclusive test or a delayed result
If an individual receives an inconclusive test result then they should continue to self-isolate and request another test if they still have symptoms.
Individuals experiencing a delay with their results are advised to contact the coronavirus testing helpline: 0300 303 2713 who will be able to help or point the people in the right direction.
Due to each test having a Unique Reference Number (URN) individuals have to follow up the test results themselves. Individuals are asked not to call their GP practice to book a test, as GPs have no access to the testing system.